Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm Touched......

Normally on Friday nite is the agency group meeting, I decided to go to office to check whether is there anything for me in the pigeon hole. As I walked to the entrance, I saw 02 security guard at the entrance, 01 male & 01 female. The male was standing and while the female was sitting on a chair nearly to the office entrance. There was a little girl (I think about 9-10 yrs of age) sleeping on the lap of the female security.

Ya Allah....I'm touched.....that must be her daughter.

The time is actually about 9.50pm and it was raining quite heavily. She was sitting on the edge of the door, with her head on her mother's lap (the female security). I cried (in my heart) as I passed by them.

Went up and came down, the girl still there. I was trying to make a coversation with the mother.

Me : Kak, dah tido ke anak nie?
Mother : Ah..ah...dik.

I couldn't asked tears about to burst when one of my colleague stopped by. A few of us was chit-chatting in front of the them. Once a while, I've glanced at the glass door, looking at the mother trying to comfort the girl to sleep. I'm crying inside already. Others did stopped by & asked to the mother. Soo sad....

Then me & my colleague (Kak Nor) wanted to assist if she would want us to send her daughter back. I drove my car in front of them, while Kak Nor went out of the car to ask the mother.

Kak Nor : Kak, anak nie dah tido. Boleh saya hantar balik umah tak? Umah akak kat
mana? Hujan2 nie...kesian dia. Tengok penat...
Mother : Takpe ye. Anak saya nie dah biasa ikut saya keje kat sini. Takde org nak
jaga kat umah. Umah saya dekat belakang nie je.
Kak Nor : Tak sakit ke dia tido mcm tu. Mesti penat kat sekolah.
Mother : Takpe la ye. Anak saya nie dah biasa mcm nie. Nanti pagi2 dia balik sama
saya. Tima kasih byk2. Tima kasih byk2.

From inside the car, both (male & female security) smiled at me. I cried...Kak Nor came in & told me. As I left the area, I waved at them....they smiled again.

Ya Allah...kau permudahkan lah kerja mereka berdua. Panjangkan umur, murahkan rezeki. Moga2 anak2 mereka dapat membantu mereka di masa hadapan.

Cuba bayangkan jika kite berada ditempat mereka. Ayah & Mak berkerja di malam hari untuk menanggung anak2. Bawa sekali anak perempuan...berjaga malam. Aku nangis sepanjang perjalanan aku pulang. Betapa susahnye untuk mencari sesuap nasi, terpaksa bertungkus lumus sekali pun terpaksa membawa anak ke tempat kerja. Bayangkan kalau perkara ini, kite terpaksa lalui.

Sepatutnye, budak pompuan dah ada dalam umah, buat keje skolah ke...atau pun sudah tido nyenyak. Aku ada anak pompuan sebab tu aku terasa sangat tadi. Macam mana kalau nie terjadi kat anak aku sendiri? Sanggup tak aku biarkan? Sanggup tak aku biarkan Pea memikul bebanan yg tak sepatutnye di usia semuda itu??? Aku tak sanggup. Dari raut wajahnye, aku lihat dia memang penat, tersengguk2 tido kat peha mak dia.
Ayah dia tersenyum je...Mungkin mereka takde pilihan, terpaksa jugak bawa anak pompuan nie tido di situ.

BERSYUKUR la...atas apa yang kite ada sekarang.

Jangan sesekali lupa, jikalau kite rasa kite dilanda masalah/kesusahan, ada org lain lagi yg susah dari kite. Aku mengambil iktibar dari peristiwa tadi bahawa Tuhan Maha Mengetahui....Tuhan Maha Mengasihi...setiap manusia nie telah tertulis agenda atau nasib masing2. Tapi janganlah kite berserah pada takdir...kite kena berusaha untuk mengubah hidup kite sendiri. Walau apa pun yg kite lakukan, adalah untuk diri sendiri serta keluarga....ingat tu...(aku berkata utk diri sendiri)....

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